Friday, March 26, 2010


I don't know how people do it. I think about all the experiences I've had with clinicals and situations that people have survived and not just survived, but with strength, love and a greater faith.
One of my nursing instructors was remarried a couple of years ago and then just recently her husband became very ill. He has been in the ICU on a vent, trach and chemically sedated. Now he's off the vent, but is still in a coma and has to to moved to an acute long term care facility that has what is needed to care for him. He's been in this condition for way too long now, but she doesn't loose faith or hope.
My cousin is a miracle. She was in a car accident at age 16. Not just a car accident, but one that left her as a paraplegic. 16, young, active, dating, and enjoying life. She wasn't bitter, she didn't give up. In fact from my point of view looking in it has made her life better because of her attitude.
My sweet grandma has cared for my grandpa for a good 5 years now. Taking him to Dialysis, getting him dressed and helping him in endless ways.
I feel blessed in so many ways. First to learn so much from examples and strength of family and friends. Second to have chosen the career I have. I loved being on the L&D floor where families rejoice in the birth of a new infant and how exciting life is, but yet at the same time there's the opposite polarity death. At times it's unexpected and harder, but I wish that everyone would have the belief in families are forever and an eternity so that they could enjoy the comfort that it brings.
I have learned so much from these last 2 years of education (complete in 28 days) whether it's life experiences, patience, hard work, love, commitment, hope, strength and faith. My list could go on and on.
I'm so grateful for everyone I'm surrounded by that gives me strength whether they know it or not. I couldn't be more blessed.

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