Saturday, September 17, 2011

GrOwN Up LiFe!

Grown up life really is great...

So far we have survived our first power outage at our new house and it was even before we had unpacked a single flash light. It made for a fun morning. Landon had to sit in the bathroom turning on a light on his phone as I showered and then I was on phone duty while I tried to do my makeup and while Landon showered. We've already made fun memories and learned that a flash light needs to go right next to the bed.

I have already vacuumed my house 3 times this week. I think in our apartment I was lucky to vacuum once in three weeks. It's just nice to have fresh vacuum lines in your carpet when you go to bed and get up in the morning. It's even better that the floors and carpet feel clean and look good so we don't have to wear slippers whenever we're home (we hated that about our apartment). Having a lawn to mow every week is just as much fun too. Our house is clean (the parts we live in anyways, the spare bedrooms need some work), we have new couches, food in the pantry, a few decorations on the wall and it already feels like home.

Now to be honest, the place is probably so clean because we don't have internet or TV and it looks like that's how things are going to be for the next little while.

I guess there is always a bright side to any situation.


Tyler and Clancee said... pictures. i'm dying to see your new house! big girl! you have a house! :)

Lyndi Daly said...

I am so happy for you guys! I too love vacuum lines in the carpet. It's like the icing on the cake:)