Saturday, October 9, 2010

In a Nut Shell it is.

In the past month we moved out of our first, fun, cozy (sometimes too cozy during the summer and not cozy enough in the winter), little apartment. Seriously, how do people move after living in one place for more than a year? I was surprised with how much stuff (bookshelves, decorations, pictures) we acquired in just one year. Our first little place together has a lot of funny memories and we might miss is, but that will only be until we get something of our own. As for now we're living at the in-laws and it hasn't been anything to complain about. Infact, I kind of enjoy it.
I haven't seen a single spider, heard any raccoons or had a stereo blasting loud when I'm trying to sleep. I am just a little bit paranoid that whenever I hear something it's a mouse...I saw more than enough mice in the last year.

We had an offer in on a house, but things didn't work out so we'll see where life takes us. We would love to buy a house, but aren't 100% sure if we should...unfortunately (or fortunately-however you look at it) we keep needing to make car repairs and our savings quickly disappears therefore making the decision for us on waiting to look at more houses.

Landon and I were playing soccer on a coed team and we really had a fun time. Our season is over now, but we hope that our schedules will work out so we can play again in the spring. As for right now, we're both busy with school and work.